Two blogs in one!
Grandparents Day 2014
This week Kynzley was able to show her grandparents around her school and the activities she gets to do! Her school hosted Grandparents Day followed by a spring concert. She was blessed to have both sets of grandparents there to join her! Francis and I were able to attend the spring concert and it was so cute :) It's amazing how much more comfortable Kynzley and her classmates are up on stage compared to their Christmas concert. We were definitely able to hear Kynzley singing her heart out!
Nana and Papa Twite and Grandma and Grandpa Holicky
- Their theme was patriotic hence all the red, white and blue :)
Baby Update 32 weeks
Yesterday we hit 32 weeks and we made it to May! This is the point when looking back in Kynzley's baby journal everything started going downhill. I am so thankful that I kept a journal with Kynzley (doctor appointments, dreams, random thoughts and pictures), it has been so neat to look back and compare how similar and different these pregnancies are. 32 weeks was the last official entry in Kynzley's journal. I complained A LOT and was not feeling well. I also wasn't sleeping. How does that compare to now?! I do get sleep at night - that's a huge difference!!! I do toss and turn a bit, but if I find a comfy spot I fall right back to sleep. With Kynzley I had to sit up to try and sleep at this point. 32 weeks was the week before being put on full bed rest while pregnant with Kynzley. I had no energy and my body was becoming unrecognizable from swelling. So far I have been able to (for the most part) control my swelling. My feet are starting to swell and stay swollen ... BUT ... I still have ankles so they aren't too bad yet :) I can more so just tell because of the way my shoes fit. Come on warmer weather so I can go barefoot and wear simple sandals!!!!! It seems like our May is going to be busy, which is a good thing! It gives me goals to reach towards and my mind off of the possibility that we could be having a baby this month instead of June.
Baby bump facts:
-Blood pressure this time around is actually on the lower end for being pregnant! Doctor has noted that I will have to watch being light headed often because of it.
-Besides the original reaction that occurs while being pregnant I have also been diagnosed with Cholinergic Urticaria - basically allergic to warmth and heat (hoping that it's only pregnancy induced!). This has made it sort of difficult to take warm baths and/or showers to relax and I tend to over heat very quickly.
-No cravings and No aversions! (with Kynzley I craved meals{chicken, potatoes, corn, fruit, dessert} every night and got sick from the sight of hamburger! I could not even walk down the hamburger helper isle at the store without getting sick)
-Like I mentioned before, I kept a journal with Kynzley. I have also been keeping one this pregnancy, but have noticed it doesn't get filled out as quickly as Kynzley's did. I guess the second time around you get side tracked a lot more.
-This week Kynzley says the baby is a boy. She wants and brother and wants his name to be Jelly :) We call her peanut/peanut butter so she feels like it would be a perfect fit! She does, however, completely understand that we do not know what the gender is. When people ask her or try and tell her what the baby is she always lets them know "we don't know yet, it's a surprise!"
-I'm still going strong with boy as gender
-Francis thinks girl
-These are the exact same predictions that we had when pregnant with Kynzley :) Time will tell!
-Favorite clothes: Francis's :), over sized EVERYTHING!
-{FinGerS CrOssEd} 8 weeks to go!!!!!
Please don't mind the outfits, it has been raining for what seems like weeks :( Over sized clothes and PJ's are what we have been living in