Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Kynzley had a great first Thanksgiving! She had a fun filled day with family and friends. She had turkey, squash, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. (She's a great eater!)

Francis and I are thankful for so many things, but after an interesting pregnancy, being induced 4 weeks early and enduring a horrible side effect to carrying a child, we are TRULY THANKFUL and BLESSED to have Kynzley!

Kynzley made her own "My 1st Thanksgiving" tshirt. (The turkey is her handprint Ü)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Kynzley is 8 months old today! She is doing great and learning new things every day. Today she learned "So Big!"  She looks soooo cute when she does it! She throws her arms up and feels the need to tilt her head to the side :-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Kynzley has TWO new teeth! Two of her bottom teeth have arrived! She's a great teether (so far Ü). We had no idea that she was getting a new tooth, or we should say two! She wasn't crabby, had no fever, no runs, no runny nose, no drool and EVERYTHING normally goes in her mouth so nothing was out of the ordinary. Monday I happen to be joking around and said, "when are you going to get some teeth?", and when I opened her mouth there they were!


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