Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year

Nothing like the first blog of the year! Happy New Year all! We had a very low key New Year's Eve, together as a family as Kynzley heals up. No better way to ring in the new year than with your crew :)

On that note, Kynzley is doing pretty well! She is probably healing as the text books would say she would heal. She's not hunched over in pain, but she's still having some very uncomfortable moments. We are trying our best to stay on top of the pain with her medication, but she's five and of course doesn't always want to take her meds with ease. Yesterday she woke up very sore (which we were told was going to happen). She was complaining of neck pain and that her ears hurt - both super normal! We explained it was because she is healing and that lots of rest will help!! She's pretty bored, ha! One can only watch so many movies and color so many pictures. She wants to be active so bad but gets tired quickly and we are still pushing lots of rest. Her biggest complaint right now is that she is HUNGRY!!!!! She is probably the only young patient who is supposed to have an ice cream popsicle diet that does not want any of it! Right now she wants popcorn, mac n' cheese with hot dogs, steak and a sandwich. Poor girl! Last night she did have some chicken noodle soup noodles and it helped a tad. Hopefully soon we can make her dreams come true and serve her "real" food. Our goal is that tomorrow, Satruday, she has very little pain. Fingers crossed!!!! 

After brother went to bed Kynzley enjoyed a homemade slushy and enjoyed some quiet

Yesterday morning (day 3) You can tell by her face she was feeling pretty rough :( Her wonderful teacher has kept in contact with us to keep up to date with Kynzley and how she is feeling. It makes Kynzley feel so special!! Kynzley had a special note for her :)

My last photo of 2015! Two cuties!! -please don't mind Kynzley's yogurt lips, we were trying to get some heavy food in her tummy before drifting off to dream land. 


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