Tuesday, June 28, 2016

(Terrible) Two!

Last week Benton turned two! Two! Seriously?! The past two years have gone so fast, it's crazy! For the longest time we've been told that Benton seems so much older than he is, maybe that's why time has seem to go so fast.

Oh Benton, what to say about Benton. He's our "drama queen". EVERYTHING is exaggerated and emotional and has hand movements and facial expression that would make the best actor out there super jealous of his skills! Since birth he has been the one that needs extra squeezes, extra attention and reiteration that what he's doing is great. He also has a heart of gold and is our lover! His favorite person is his sissy with (great) grandpa as a close (very close!) second!

Benton is a jabber jaw!!! He talks and talks and never stops talking! Most of the time you have no idea what he is saying, but he still makes it sound very important :) He loves to be bossy and tell you what to do - "stop it!", "watch out!", "move!", "sissy, no!", but he's also polite and loving - " 'ove you!", "thank you!", "please!", " 'xuse me!", "pretty, pretty, please!"

Trains are the number one toy when it comes to Benton! We hear a lot of  "choo, choo!" around the house. If he's not outside causing trouble he can be found in the basement playing with his train table. We also watch a lot of train movies - I'm pretty sure he has all of Netflix memorized! He also loves his sports - basketball, soccer, baseball and wrestling! He's super active and never stops moving!! Like the rest of the family, Benton is a water baby! LOVES the water! He loves the water so much he's one that you have to keep a close on eye. He hates help, hates it! Needs to do everything on his own and that's no different when it comes to being in the water. He, at times, can make a day of swimming not so relaxing! Ha!

We could not imagine our family without Benton! He makes us smile every day!!

Fun Benton Facts:
* Doesn't like ice cream
* Very opinionated - even when it comes to clothes. If he doesn't like what you picked for him to wear for the day he will tell you
* Obsessed with trains
* Eats like a bird
* Wearing all his clothes from last summer - he's our petite little guy
* Loves his toe nails painted
* Not as big of a dare devil as sissy was or is!
* He's a lot like his cousin Mckenna, hesitant and reserved when it comes to doing anything different
* Mama's boy
* Hates change
* Great traveler
* Still has his nuk
* Never goes anywhere without his lion tag blanket
* Doesn't require as much sleep as his sister did/does  (because of sissy's busy schedule naps for Benton are very seldom, he adjusts great!)
* When a camera is present, Benton know's exactly what to do!

On Benton's birthday the kids and I jumped on our bikes and hit all the parks in town! It was a fun morning of running around!


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