Sunday, January 23, 2011

Best Buddies!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 months

   Kynzley is 10 months today! Time is flying by soooo fast - it's CRAZY! She is doing wonderful and learning new things everyday. She has always been a HUGE babbler but now she is starting to use words and of course her first clear word was .... "Diddy!" (Daddy). Every time she sees or hears Francis she gets a huge grin on her face and says "diddy!", it's so cute! We are working on mama, but it has turned into bit of a game. We will say mama and she will shout back "baba" or if she really thinks she's funny she shouts "diddy" and giggles. She is also starting to use the word more.
   Kynzley has crawling down to a T and is as quick as a bunny. She is practicing her walking by going around all the furniture and is even getting daring and going from couch to couch or toy to toy. While we were up north for Christmas, Kynzley took her first TWO steps all by herself. It was very random and especially very exciting. She was telling uncle Matt a story and all of a sudden turned around let go of his leg and took two steps! It was perfect timing because the whole family was able to witness it :-) We cannot wait for all the fun things to come!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Double Trouble

Talking about their game plan to get Nora's nuk .....

Kynzley goes first .....

then Eva tries .......

time to work together .......

Eva gave up, but of course Kynzley was set on getting it.

Holicky Christmas!

We are now done with Christmas. This past weekend we headed up north to the frozen tundra to celebrate Christmas with Francis family. It was a great time! Kynzley had A LOT of fun playing with her older cousins and getting to meet the new member of the bunch, baby Nora.

There is a road there. (looking out the front window of the car during a blizzard on our way to Tom and Amanda's)

Nora Evelyn (1 month)

Kynzley, Eva and Owen playing with Grandpa

Owen and Kynzley dancing to a reindeer that plays music. Too Cute!!!

Causing trouble!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

9 month update!

Kynzley just had her 9 month check up (it was pushed back do to our doctor being sick and the holidays ... she is almost 10 months :-) ) and she did great! She has finally hit 20 lbs and she is 30 inches long. She has mommy's body: super short legs and a VERY LONG torso. Some of her shirts are now 2T so they will cover her belly! She also saw an eye specialist. We are starting to notice a lazy eye but the specialist said as of right now her eyes look great and they will see us back in 6 months.

Kynzley has been a very busy girl lately! She is crawling all over the place and has mastered the steps. She is very quick! If you are not watching her closely you will find her up the stairs and in a whole different room. She is also doing very well standing on her own :-). She pulls herself up on everything and occasionally she will let go and stand like a big girl! She is doing awesome and we cannot believe in a few short months we will be planning her first birthday!!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Francis went ice fishing today and did great! He brought home a 6 lb, 21.5 inch large mouth bass. Kynzley was very happy for him! Usually I out fish him so I was a little jealous, but we are both very excited to take Kynzley fishing when it warms up!


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