Sunday, February 11, 2018

One day we will slow down, until then.....

I have sat down. I have sat down and finally found the opportunity to update all you eager readers on how busy we have been. I feel like I sound like a broken record: 'we have been so busy', 'another busy weekend', 'we haven't slowed down', 'this week/end we ..' ...... Every Sunday we look at the calendar and say this week looks easy and we have an open weekend. When we get to early Tuesday that usually changes and we are completely booked again. We can rest when we are dead - right?!

We love that Kynzley loves to be active and participate in just about anything and everything she is able to partake in. Some days it makes my anxiety and little higher in hopes that we will be on time to everything - so far so good! On days that we are triple booked back to back its fun to see how fast we can do a turn around and get to our next destination. Kynzley is getting great at quick changes, fast goodbyes and happy hellos! Benton is awesome at tagging a long and being very patient!

Our recent weekends have included state Poms, Wisconsin Dells trip, Girl Scout cookie sales, birthday parties and family time. During the week Kyzley is getting her groove on at dance two nights a week and Benton has been making great strides every week at his "school".
Francis and Kynzley got to enjoy another sweetheart dance, we FINALLY were able to sled this year and even snuck in a couple rounds of bowling! When our calendar has a free moment we may fill it fast, but we like to fill it with moments that make family memories!

Wisconsin Dells

Kynzley is our dare devil and will attempt pretty much anything. This was a slide that after riding down a dark tube, swirls you around in a "toilet bowl" and shoots you out into 9 feet of water. It was her favorite of the weekend! 

State Poms competition
Kynz woke up extra early the morning of the competition to help send the girls off to state in style! Helpful that daddy drives that fire truck ;)

The West Salem Dance Team performed their poms routine as well as their jazz routine at state (again!) this year. They performed right away in the morning for poms this year which saved us from fighting the crowds for a seat! I was cheering way to loud and proud during their jazz routine to remember to take my camera out :( These girls performed their hearts out and did an amazing job in both routines! They are so fun to watch and cheer for! Kynzley loves going to support her cousin Zoie as well as the other girls on the squad. It doesn't hurt that they love on her too :)

Father daughter sweetheart dance 2018

 Recently Kynzley got rid of most of her dresses. All but two. This meant that when it was time to pick out a dance outfit she was limited. Didn't stop her! She put this together in no time and was ready to have a great time!

Being the great daddy he his, Francis always lets Kynzley pick out his full outfit for this dance. She always makes him looks so handsome! 



It's cookie season! Kynzley has recently joined a local girl scout troop and they are out and about selling their famous cookies. Please feel free to order from her! Our delivery service is superb - we can personally deliver and/or are willing to mail to those further away!  
$4 a box
(Troop 9006)


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