Monday, June 30, 2014

It's a BOY!

Welcome To The World!
Benton Jerome Holicky
8lbs 2oz

It's a BOY! Baby Benton joined our family last Friday, June 20, 2014 at 5:48am! He was welcomed into this world SUPER, SSUPPPEERRRR fast! Here is his story:

I can honestly say that I felt way too good last week to think that I was going to be having a baby. We kept busy all week with Kynzley in bible school, splashing around at the aquatic center, I walked River Side park and kept up with daily household things. The weather Thursday was dreary and rainy which I thought explained why I was so tired! I guess it was my body getting ready for an exciting night/morning :) Thursday night we attended a bible school wrap up where all the kids did a performance and then we had dinner. I think I jinxed myself by telling everyone who asked if I was ready that I was not! I felt too good and could go at least another week (or a couple days). That night was typical - put Kynzley to bed, relaxed on the couch for a bit and headed to bed.  
I got up around 3am to use the bathroom, nothing out of the ordinary and crawled back in to bed. After laying there for a moment I felt what could have possibly been my water breaking. Not a gush, (like the doctor told me to look for) so I got back up to use the bathroom and found that all signs showed that labor was going to begin. I woke Francis up (but turning a light on right in his face!) and explained that I think my water just broke. His reply "no it didn't, you probably just had an accident" and proceeded to try and go back to bed. Thank you husband! I called my mom to warn her that I think my water had broke and prepare to take Kynzley. I then called the hospital to explain what was going on. The nurse told me to lay back down for 30 min and if when I stood back up fluid continues to leak then it was my water breaking and to give them a call back with an update. Easy enough! After crawling back into bed I grabbed Francis and said contractions are starting! So we laid there to see where things were going to go. We didn't lay there long!!!! Francis started timing them on his phone and they ended up being two minutes apart lasting for a minute - yup time to leave!!!!! I called the hospital back and as soon as I said contractions started the nurse demanded "you need to get here"! We grabbed our bags and Kynzley and headed out the door! After dropping Kynzley off at Nana's house we headed for the hospital. My contractions were still steady but at this point I was able to handle them, which I guess gave Francis the go ahead to joke around. As we drove past Perkins he politely asked if I wanted to stop for breakfast - hmmm, hey bud how about you just sit in silence the rest of the way!!! 
We arrived at the hospital at about 5:15ish(am) and because of the construction it seemed like an eternity for someone from labor and delivery to reach me in the emergency room. Finally! A nurse arrived and we headed to our destination. On our way I asked the nurse to stop so I could have a contraction and she graciously did so, we then continued. We didn't get very far - maybe 30 steps when I asked her to stop again. She asked if I was feeling pressure with these contractions and I said "yes!" and her response was "I cannot stop anymore because we are not having a baby in the hallway!" and we rushed faster to our location. We arrived to our room and they quickly gowned me and pretty much threw me in bed (at this point I had no real break between contractions). Things went so fast they had no time to do any typical procedures. Our nurse wasn't even on shift yet. After pulling a doctor from another room (sorry to that lady!) my room was full of staff and it was go time. Two pushes and a screaming baby later we had a BOY and one with a full head of hair! Things were so quick, we were in the room less than 30mins and everything as all said and done! We keep saying to ourselves its a good thing we left the house when we did or we are pretty sure we would have had a road side baby. 

Our first week has been great! Kynzley is a GREAT big sister and super proud of her baby brother! She's always telling him how cute he is and she calls him her 'big fellow' :) He's had a busy first week of life as well - been to a couple ball games, walks to the park, played at the childrens museum and has had some visitors. Daddy went back to work today, so it's this mommy's goal to get a routine going!!! Wish me luck ;) 

I also want to take time to thank EVERYONE for your kind words and prayers through this whole pregnancy!!!!!! We have had a great support system! It started off rough in the beginning but I could have not asked for a better ending. We had NO (NONE, Nadda, zip!!!!) complications after birth this round and it felt great to be able to bond right away with Benton! THANK YOU!!!!!

Last picture pregnant. Thursday, June 19, 2014
39 weeks and 3 days

Here comes proud big sister!


Time to go home!

Cody meeting Benton

Cody & Benton 2014

Cody & Kynzley 2010

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!!!

We've been keeping very busy! We've been enjoying A LOT of outside time, celebrated fathers day, passed 38 weeks and are now onto 39 (HOW CRAZY!). Kynzley is in the midst of Vacation Bible School and she has also started Tball.

This is how we will be spending most of our summer!

Father's Day
On Father's Day we surprised Francis with breakfast in bed, showered him with fun gifts, spent the afternoon at a park near by flying a kite and finished our day with dinner at Rudy's Drive In enjoying hot dogs and root beer!

Baby Update
Well, who would have thought?! We are currently 39 weeks! Everything is going the way it should and so far I am feeling great! I am surprised at how well I feel (not to jinx myself!!). At our last doctors appointment our doctor guessed that I will go all the way up to a day or two before my due date OR a day or two after. I can honestly say that I am not ready yet. I cannot for sure tell you why, but it's just not time yet. Will we have a 40 week update?! :-) 

Top: 38 weeks
Bottom: 39 weeks

Sunday, June 8, 2014

37 (+) weeks!

37 (+) weeks and still doing well! We are actually closer to 38 weeks but not there yet so we can still fit in a picture - right?! My doctors appointments are going great! My blood pressure is still super low, my labs are coming back normal, baby is growing on schedule and my swelling is staying minimal!

I will not lie, I am nervous that a reaction will suddenly take place after birth. The syndrome that I have can come on at any time and show in many different forms. With Kynzley the allergic reaction happened towards the end, but showed before labor. This pregnancy the reaction showed in the very beginning and seemed to taper off. Some people with this same syndrome show a reaction hours to days after delivery and sadly I am learning that there are many who are not fortunate to see their little ones and pass away. I can do this and my body WILL cooperate! 

* Craving ice cubes
* Nothing has made me sick through the whole pregnancy
* Francis is impressed with how much potato salad I can eat lately 
* Finally struggling to sleep 
* Baby hangs out on the right side of my body 
* Bags are packed! 
* Francis is the only person in the whole world that believes we are going to have a girl
* We still haven't finalized a boy name
* Kynzley also has a baby in her tummy :-) She even adjusts her tummy like mommy to make the baby move for us. 
* Kynzley was playing fire fighter the other night and politely said "mom your the size of a house and you are on fire" Umm, thank you?! Side note: she told Francis he was a tree (wayyyyyy better!)
* I am very thankful for the kind thoughts, words and prayers that many have sent my/our way! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

36 weeks and a Parade

We made it to 36 weeks and no baby yet! I am now in uncharted territory - Kynzley arrived at 36 weeks. So far so good! No exciting updates except for the fact that the baby (and my body) is choosing to continue on with the pregnancy!

This weekend was our towns June Dairy Days and it was packed with a lot of fun activities! We've always enjoyed watching the parade, but this year Kynzley and daddy got to be part of it! Kynzley loved throwing the candy out of the fire truck and daddy said that she kept telling him to do the sirens :) Best part is they were the beginning of the parade and she made it back to our spot with lots of time to spare to collect a ton of candy of her own! We also took in rides, some games and of course ice cream in the park! 


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