Monday, July 30, 2012


This past weekend we had visitors! Our friends from up north, Joel and Britt, came down to visit and see La Crosse. They haven't been down since our wedding (4yrs ago) so it was fun to show them around :) Kynzley had so much fun with them! I think she has a new favorite - Joel :)

Saturday was a perfect day to take them to the bluff so they could see all of La Crosse at one time. It was so beautiful out - you could see for miles! We also toured downtown La Crosse, stopped for local pizza and of course had to have ice cream from The Pearl!

Racing to the top!

Hello La Crosse!

Joel and Britt! Thank you so much for visiting!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Moo Moo, oink oink, neigh neigh

All we heard this past week was "I go to the fair and see the moo moo's, oink oink's and neigh neigh's!" Kynzley was definitely ready for the fair (good thing we only live three blocks away from the fair grounds, makes it very convenient for us)! We all had a great time looking at the animals, eating fair food and riding the rides :) Kynzley really wanted to ride a horse and a cow (yes, a cow!), we were successful with the horse but had no luck finding a cow to ride -lol-

She was SO excited to ride a horse! She kept yelling yee-haw :)

The priceless look on her face as it started going up!

Since she is a fearless child, she really wanted to stand up and look around. We finally convinced her to sit on daddy's lap so she could see everything.

Monday, July 9, 2012

1000 Books

Kynzley was in a program at the library called A 1000 Books before Kindergarten, we are proud to announce that she has successfully accomplished this! She loves to read and our nightly routine consists of many books :)

She has her name on a little sticker on everyone of those flowers. Every 100 books we turned in our sheet and she was given a sticker to put on a flower. I kept all our sheets, it will be neat to look back when she's older at the books she read when she was younger!

Yay!!!! She did it! Her last sticker!

Her name/flower with the rest of the kids who have finished a 1000 books!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Doggy Paddle

My two year old can swim all by herself!!! With her floatie on of course, but she can do it!! We've been swimming A LOT the last couple of weeks because of the heat and she has been practicing her doggy paddle, well today it paid off :) She kicks her little legs and moves her arms and away she goes. It was so fun watching her today swimming in Nana and Papa's pool. Her little legs were so pooped when she was done that mommy had to carry her home (good thing we only live around the corner!).

Here she comes!

Taking a moment to wave :)

Kynzley jumped in and made a huge splash!

Such a big girl!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dance Party!

It was the weekend Kynzley was waiting for: "Dance party" time - aka - Jeremy and Michelle's wedding! We packed up the car and headed up north to help celebrate our great friends amazing day and of course spend time with family!

At one point in the dance a group of groomsmen were gathering and hootin' and hollering about a little girl with awesome dance moves. When I looked over it was, of course, Kynzley. One of the groomsmen decided to have a dance off with her :)

Owen had break dance moves!


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