Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween Brag Session

It has sadly been a bit since I've last updated :-( I always have good intentions to update everyone, but struggle to find the time to sit down and dive in. I am on week three of successfully having all the littles on the same afternoon schedule - only took a month and a half!!! This being said, I will take this moment of silence and brag a bit about my children and share our Halloween excitements!

Backing up a bit..... a couple weeks ago, Benton had his 15 month check up and Kynzley had her first teacher conferences of the school year. Both went GREAT!!!! Benton is happy and healthy as can be. He is only in the 50% for height and weight - Mr. Average :) He is definitely a busy boy! He runs all over the place, talks non stop and is always doing something that makes us laugh. The funny thing about Benton is that he doesn't say your typical words such as 'ball', 'no', 'more', 'hi', ect. he says phrases. His favorite is his bossy phrase "daddy, get it!" Some of his other favorites are: "I got it!", "where are you?", "where you go?", "Thank you!" and sometimes he will sit down with you and have a conversation without saying any specific words at all - gets pretty entertaining! He's a joy, that's for sure!!!! He loves to be outside and is obsessed with anything trucks/cars, tractors and fire trucks! Instead of knowing what a cow says, Benton can very quickly tell you what a "tacta" and "fire tuck" say!

After Benton was seen it was Kynzley's turn. I tied in an appointment for her too because she had been dealing with congestion for what seemed to be forever. Her head was all stuffy, she had a horrible cough and she was starting to have a very difficult time hearing. I was leaning towards a sinus infection. To our surprise Kynzley had a server ear infection! What?!?! No fever, no complaints of her ear hurting - nothing! This is only her second one ever. Her first one was when she was  16 months old. Explains why she couldn't hear! She was given some good meds and is on the mend!

We also had Kynzley's school conferences that same week. She is doing wonderfully!! No surprise there ;) Her teacher said she's a joy to have in class and would love to duplicate her! Kynzley loves to play with everyone - girls, boys, kids from other classes, she's a social butterfly! She is also ahead of the Kindergarten curriculum (which works out perfect for her because she is in a class called "looping" She has the same teacher for Kindergarten and 1st grade - her teacher is able to start her on first grade things!). She loves to read, write and do math! It has been fun to have her read stories to us at night :) Her teacher is having her start to journal since she loves to write and can form sentences. I cannot wait to hear some of the stories she creates! She is definitely loving Kindergarten!! I miss her every day when she runs off to the playground in the morning, but LOVE when she comes home and shares all her fun stories and activities from the day!

Halloween Shenanigans

We fit in a couple Halloween activities this year! It's always nice to be able to use this kids' costumes more than once, especially since this year I let Kynzley purchase one. Ohhhh it killed me!!! But she's at that point where she has an idea in her head and she wont let it go - not even to please mom :( I still was able to make Benton's! The kids went as a God and Goddess this year. They were cute :) We tried a new trick -or-treat activity this year with some friends. It was hosted at one of the local colleges. They had games set up and a trick-or-treat through the dorms. It was fun! This was Benton's first experience with collecting candy. He caught on VERY QUICK - walk up to strangers, look cute and they put candy in my bucket, score! In our group we had Elsa from Frozen, a ladybug and pumpkin and a greek God and Goddess. So cute! We also attended the yearly Enchanted Forest trick - or - treat. It was a tad chilly, but the kids still fully enjoyed themselves. There were lots of giggles! They also got to sing and dance with Hans Mayer, which is always fun. 
For Halloween weekend, the kids and myself packed up and headed to Chicago (daddy stayed behind to do manly things....clean the garage!). Kynzley didn't have school so we were able to arrive in Chicago at good time which allowed us to watch Mckenna and her school do a Halloween parade. It was so fun to watch the excitement and surprise look on McKenna's face when she saw Kynzley there! It was a beautiful day so while we waited for McKenna to finish the rest of her school day Kynzley and Benton ran off some steam on the schools playground :) Halloween day was COLD and RAINY!!!! It was miserable! The kids painted pumpkins and enjoyed each others company all afternoon while we all crossed our fingers hoping the rain would stop long enough to collect some candy. Thankfully the rain did stop!!! It was still chilly but with lots of layers everyone was ready to go! I switched Benton's costume up a bit. He became and warm and snugly penguin! It worked perfect and he looked adorable. The girls had a ton of fun running door to door, but it pooped them out pretty quick. Benton was a riot while trick-or-treating! He would not let got of his bucket that was quickly getting heavy and every time he went to a door he would yell some jibberish. Most of the time it was to tell the people he was coming and not to leave him out, other times I believe it was his way of saying trick-or-treat :)

Viterbo University Halloween Trick-or-Treat
Giana, Kynzley, Ari, Alex, Benton


Benton, Kynzley and McKenna
Cousins :)


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