Monday, February 20, 2012

Lazy weekend

This past weekend we had NOTHING (repeat: NOTHING) planned!!! It felt great! We spent all weekend at home enjoying some relaxing family time. Since we had nothing going on we thought what better way to spend it than trying out Kynzley in big girl undies! She was so excited she picked out her own undies and was so excited to wear them around the house, so excited she wouldn't wear pants all weekend :-) She did a great job!!! There were a few accidents, but way more successes than not. Today, she has decided that she isn't so interested anymore; which is 100% okay with us. We will try again when she's ready!!!

Kynzley and I let daddy sleep in on Saturday morning, when he woke up this is how he found us - making pancakes! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy LOVE Day!

*******BEWARE!!!! PICTURE OVERLOAD Ü **********

Another great Valentines Day spent with our little Valentine! :-) We had such a fun day - we took cupcakes to daddy's work, had story time at the library with all her friend dressed in their very best Vday get-up, had a  SPECIAL lunch in front of the T.V. watching her movie choice - Little Engine That Could. We decorated the house with Valentine love, played and made lots of great memories!

Getting ready to decorate some cupcakes

Her way of helping :)

The finished mess

Pretty little Valentine --- she was upset with me for making her take a picture instead of letting her watch "Choo Choo"

Decorating the house!

Kynzley's Valentine to mommy :) (She is in a Toy Story phase right now)

Daddy surprised Kynzley with a Minnie Mouse Valentines book

My loves!

A face that shows a successful day!

Cutest Kid Contest

Kynzley has been entered in a Cutest Kid Contest and we would love for your support and vote!! Thank you to all who have voted, she is currently in 3rd place!!!!!!!!!!! There is still time to vote if you would still like to :) All you have to do is either comment on picture (on my Facebook) the word 'VOTE' or like The Studio's Facebook page and comment on their wall: 'I vote Kynzley'!!!!! (unfortunately the contest is only open to Facebook users) Thanks again to all who have voted, we GREATLY appreciate your support!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Girl just wanna have fun!

When daddy's away the girls will play! Francis is in Texas this week so Kynzley and I had our neighbors over to make pizza and play. We had a great time! The girls had so much fun running around, being silly and at the end of the night they even put on a dance show!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Big Girl!

Our little girl is defiantly growing up. So many things have happened lately that show us she is not our tiny baby anymore :-( It's crazy to think that in a month she is going to be TWO    {--2--}!!!!!

A couple weeks ago Kynzley won a new big girl bike. Her name was drawn in a contest through the fire department. She climbed right on it the night it was delivered!

Next big step.....a big girl bed!!!! She's "advanced" to the toddler bed. While we took the front part of her crib off, she was so excited. She kept telling us "big girl bed!" Her first night was a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! Francis and I took bets after laying her down on how long it would take before we had to go lay her back down; we both lost! She made liars out of us :) She didn't make one peep. When we checked on her she was snoring! In the morning we thought for sure we would hear a knock on her door with a voice yelling "out", but instead we heard "mama, I up!" and when I opened the door she was sitting in her bed with a big smile on her face! I said "good morning big girl! You can climb out of bed", and she replied with "big girl, good girl!" She was so proud of herself :-) Nap and night two have been just as successful!

So excited to sleep in her big girl bed!

Ready for the lights to go out :)

Snoring away!

Today, Kynzley, her cousin Zoie and I went and watched some of the State Poms/Dance competition. Zoie is a great dancer and Kynzley has been really getting into dance so I thought it was a great activity for both girls, and its always fun to have a girls day :) They both really enjoyed it!!! Kynzley was really into it!  She would try and copy some of the moves she would see: kick her legs, do turns, shake her hands, and lots and lots of clapping! I sat back and watched and realized that she is becoming such a person. She will be starting dance in April! (It's going to be interesting for this mama since I played basketball, girls and guys soccer and never once did anything close to dance - ha!)

So much for little girl shoes, she's moving up to big high heels :-)


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