Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy LOVE Day!

*******BEWARE!!!! PICTURE OVERLOAD Ü **********

Another great Valentines Day spent with our little Valentine! :-) We had such a fun day - we took cupcakes to daddy's work, had story time at the library with all her friend dressed in their very best Vday get-up, had a  SPECIAL lunch in front of the T.V. watching her movie choice - Little Engine That Could. We decorated the house with Valentine love, played and made lots of great memories!

Getting ready to decorate some cupcakes

Her way of helping :)

The finished mess

Pretty little Valentine --- she was upset with me for making her take a picture instead of letting her watch "Choo Choo"

Decorating the house!

Kynzley's Valentine to mommy :) (She is in a Toy Story phase right now)

Daddy surprised Kynzley with a Minnie Mouse Valentines book

My loves!

A face that shows a successful day!

Cutest Kid Contest

Kynzley has been entered in a Cutest Kid Contest and we would love for your support and vote!! Thank you to all who have voted, she is currently in 3rd place!!!!!!!!!!! There is still time to vote if you would still like to :) All you have to do is either comment on picture (on my Facebook) the word 'VOTE' or like The Studio's Facebook page and comment on their wall: 'I vote Kynzley'!!!!! (unfortunately the contest is only open to Facebook users) Thanks again to all who have voted, we GREATLY appreciate your support!


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