Sunday, March 25, 2018

K is for Kynzley

We officially have an 8 year old in the house! Woot, Woot! A spunky, talented, smart, kind hearted, emotional eight year old. Kynzley is one special girl and has blessed us everyday for the last eight years!

As Kynzley's birthday approaches each year, it's a reminder of all that we went through to get here. On March 16, we are not only thankful for Miss Kynzley and all the joy she brings, but we also say an extra thank you for me being able to be here to watch her celebrate her birthdays!
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful beauty! Kynzley strives everyday to make us and the people around her happy. She is a great friend with a heart of gold and her love for animals is CRAZY! She has yet to grow out of her perfectionist ways and loves to over achieve. As of lately she is keeping very busy with Girl Scouts, dance (two nights a week, three different classes), gymnastics and birthday parties. Kynzley LOVES to read!! Her favorite choices are non fiction and graphic novels and more often than not can answer any random question about any random thing you throw her way.

This year, months in advance, Kynzley mentioned she wanted a fiesta party to celebrate being eight. She had a vision and on the day of her party she was super excited and loved how it all came together! On the day of her party, her and her friends enjoyed a nacho bar, chips and salsa, traditional Spanish pop as well as Tres Leches Cake. They also had fun decorating their own maracas and being silly in the photo booth.

Thank you Kynzley for being awesome! We are so proud of you! OXOX

Random Facts about Miss K;
- Hates being fancy
- Loves crazy socks
- Hair bows, hair bows, hair bows
- When it comes to getting dressed, Kynzley's motto would be: clothes are made to cover your body, they don't need to match! Ha!
- Likes to read at recess
- Asks daily for a snake or lizard
- Wants soooo badly to live on a farm
- People pleaser
- Can make friends anywhere
- Loves to work on math, writing and flashcard in her free time
- After having mono last year, we've seen crazy side affects that she sometimes struggles with
- Gives into her brother EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

**Pictures of the birthday party were sadly few and far between. We found ourselves so busy before, during and after that in the end we realized we didn't even get a picture of what the set up looked like. Trust us! It looked festive for the first 30 seconds and then the glitter came out..... lol!**

 Favorite breakfast

 Kynzley declared this shirt her birthday shirt :-) (L: 8, R: 7)

Lost in a good book before heading off to school

Making her birthday treat for class - rice crispy bars

 Kynzley's class singing Happy Birthday to her

The night of her actual birthday she chose her favorite Mexican restaurant. This was her first time enjoying fried ice cream!

 Playing the cookie game. Trying to get a cookie from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands. Lots of giggles!

 Kynzley and some of her friends!

 McKenna and Kynzley

Happy Birthday Kynzley Mae

 Before her party started she requested some extra math work on the iPad - only Kynzley!

 Kynzley's art was chosen as part of a Wisconsin art dispaly
-Deer Girl


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