Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I wish I were .......

....... An Oscar Mayer wiener! Kynzley got the honor of playing in the wiener mobile on Tuesday evening - it was so neat! The couple driving it is at the end of their year long tour of the upper mid-west (I learned there are six cars that travel different parts of the US throughout the year and they meet in Madison at the end to turn in their keys) so Kynzley was loaded up on stickers and wienie whistles :) 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fishy, fishy, fishy!

It was a WARM day today. It was the perfect day to spend the afternoon in Nana and Papa's pool! Kynzley is such a little fish!


It's fun to watch her start to swim on her own!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thank You Pinterest

Ohhh, Pinterest you have such great activities for kids!  Today, Kynzley and I made some side walk chalk paint (say that three x's fast!). We had fun painting on the back patio :) Kynzley really enjoyed mixing all the colors together and painting on herself! (Recipe: Cornstarch, water and food coloring - super easy!!!)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rudy's Drive-in

Tonight we took Kynzley to Rudy's to experience her first drive-in!!!! She ordered a hot dog, fries and of course their famous root beer!!! She even made a couple of friends while we were there, she is def our social butterfly :)

Her first taste of root beer - in her own mini chilled mug!

Deciding what she wanted :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Feels like summer!!

This warm weather has been awesome!!!! We definitely have been enjoying it - if the past couple of weekends is any indication of what the summer is going to be like, it's going to be a blast!!!!!

This weekend Kynzley got to play in her big pool!!! She def has the coolest Nana and Papa ever :-) We are going to have some much fun in it throughout the summer!

Last weekend we had our first fire of the year! Kynzley's favorite part was roasting marshmallows for everyone :)
Patiently waiting for the fire to start

First roasted marshmallow of the summer!

Do you see the smiley face?!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day '12

Mother's Day was a beautiful day!!! We spent the whole day outside - Kynzley even got to skip her nap so she could swim and help with some landscaping! It was hard to believe that it was my third Mother's Day - couldn't be a prouder mamma!!!!!

She asked if she could paint - she ended up decorating mommy and herself!

Walking to Nana and Papa's house for lunch

She loves Papa's four wheeler

Her big thing lately is trying to climb trees - Nana and Papa have a perfect tree that daddy was able to place her in :) She was SO EXCITED!

Planting time!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


After what seemed to be a random crazy busy weekend, Kynzley and I decided to spend a little time in the kitchen together and made some "cuckcakes"! Kynzley helped with every step and definitely enjoyed her finished product after dinner :)

This was how Sunday morning started out - being lazy watching a movie

Her way of adding egg :)

Trying to crack the second egg

Daddy and Kynley enjoying some of the "hard work"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Car Wash

Splish splash Kynzley gave her car a bath!

Movie and (cheesy) popcorn night!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

It was a BEAUTIFUL May day! The weather was warm and sunny, great day to be outside. Kynzley and I cleaned the camper and spent the evening at the park. When the day was over and I asked Kynzley if she was ready for her bubble bath she replied "No more bubble bath, shower!" She's growing up too fast :(

Cleaning her "pamper"

"Hi, Mommy!"

She was so relaxed


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