Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Color Hand" & A mess!

This weekend Kynzley asked Daddy to "color hand" (her version of finger paint) with her. They made beautiful pictures together! *sorry the picture is blurry, there is a huge difference between our good camera and our little camera*


Yesterday Kynzley thought it was a good day to shred toilet paper all over mommy and daddy's bed. She thought she was soooo funny! 

The rest of the roll was all over the floor and under the bed

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just one of those days

Sometimes you just have to have one of those days - a PAJAMA DAY! Kynzley decided today was that day. At first I thought it was because she liked the jammies she was wearing so much, but it turned out throughout the day she kept bringing me different ones to change into. She changed three times in all :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

St Patty's day was beautiful and WARM!!! (almost 80, who would have thought in March!) We spent the WHOLE day outside. We went to the park in the morning where we all had tons of fun!

A family friend happened to stop by the park with his new puppy, Molly! The puppy loved Kynzley and Kynzley loved the puppy!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Kynzley Mae!!

  TWO years old - WOW! It's VERY hard to believe we have a toddler on our hands now. The last year seems like it past in a blink of an eye.
  Kynzley is doing great and amazes us every day with something new she has learned and is always cracking us up with the phrases she says. She knows her main colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple), she does pretty well with her shapes (needs a little help now and then), and depending on the day she does great with numbers. She can repeat the alphabet and is learning her prayers at night - her favorite part: "amen!" She loves doing puzzles and is great at matching. Kynzley is talking up a storm and can hold a pretty good conversation! Right now Kynzley is into anything Dora The Explorer and Toy Story. If we run into anything related to these two movies the whole world knows about it :)!
  She keeps us pretty active, too! We do story time at the library, she just finished another round of swim lessons and she will be starting dance in a couple of weeks. Now that she is two she will be able to be involved in many more things!!
  In the past year we have had so much fun watching Kynzley gain more of her personality and figure out her likes and dislikes. She LOVES to be outside and during the summer she is a fish!!!!! Her and Cody have become the best of buds (and she even sticks up for him when he's naughty), she loves music and dancing but will offer to wrestle with you in a heart beat! She's not so much into coloring and artsy stuff, but will read books until there are none left. Kynzley has a couple of close friends that she loves every opportunity to play with - it's fun to watch their relationships grow! She is super independent and rarely asks for help - makes many nervous :) She's somethin' else and we LOVE her for that!!!!!

  We had a great day today celebrating her birthday! Kynzley woke up to a bedroom full of balloons! We headed to the bakery for a sprinkled doughnut (requested by Kynzley) and then headed for a morning of mani and pedi's!!! Kynzley loves her toenails painted so I thought it would be a fun treat for her - she loved it!!!! They treated her so nicely and Kynzley made sure to let them know that her nails looked "pitty!" The rest of the day/evening was spent outside enjoying the weather and playing with all her new toys. She's been asking for a Woody doll for awhile, so of course she got one! He went for a walk with us, to the park and spent the evening outside too! The weather was beautiful just like the day she was born!

Her exact words when she saw the decorations: "Awww, tute! Tank you!" Made my heart melt!

She got to pick her own color. She picked yellow and when I asked what color should mommy do she replied blue and grabbed my color. Her day!

Our pretty toes! We both got flowers - Kynzley was in love!

Her new ride! Francis and I joked that in 14 more years we will be buying her the same thing- a car. It will be her sweet 16 and her golden birthday. (notice Woody in the back!)

Of course Woody had to go for a walk and had to be buckled up with his juice :)

No way! It's Jessie - she was so excited when she opened the package! Thanks Auntie Micki, Matt and McKenna!

She's gonna have the best calves in preschool!!

Everyone was tired!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Bubbles, bubbles everywhere! 

 And of course a little break to enjoy a fruit bar :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The day we've been waiting for!!!

The day has finally come ....... IT WAS WARM & BEAUTIFUL OUT!!!!! Oh my, we've been waiting for this day! Since hearing about it on the news it has been like anticipation for Christmas morning. I kept telling Kynzley, "Tomorrow we get to play outside all day!", "should we go to the park and play?", "I think we'll take a walk tomorrow!" and I went on and on!!

We started our day with story time at the library and when we were finished we met up with our friends at the park! The girls LOVED the swings and the slides. We got to watch Kynlzley's friend, Olive, conquer the slides all by herself! Such a big girl! After enjoying a great morning at the park we had a great lunch, nap and headed right back outside! We went for our walk, played with our neighbors and played outside til it was dark. It was sad (VERY sad) when we had to come in but after a warm bubble bath Kynzley is snoring peacefully - completely pooped out from all the fresh air!

  At the end of a great day! She destroyed her SECOND outfit of the day :-)

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