Tuesday, June 26, 2018

"I'm 4 now!" & Father's Day

"Today is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll every be!"

Benton is officially four! I believe we have been counting down this day since Kynzley's birthday. The closer we got to the actual date the more people around us became aware of how old he was and how old he would be turning and how many days until the big birthday! Since his birthday he's always excited to hear "and how old are you?", he loves answering back right away with "I'm four now! I had my birthday!"

This past weekend we had his big party! Boy oh boy did we have the hardest time finalizing a party theme..... this kid had lots of ideas! FINALLY he decided he wanted an emoji theme party, in the garage, with all his friends (just like Kynzley) and there had to be a pinata. I think we nailed his dream! We had his favorite food - subway sandwiches, lots of sweet treats, a pinata, so many friends running around and a gift table overflowing. At the end of the night he thanked me numerous times and let me know that he had a great party! Melt my heart!!

This past year Benton has made so many positive changes and has shown growth in so many ways!
Fun Benton Facts:
- Nicknamed 'Mr. Handsome' at church
- Known at a few places for his hair - not his name, but his hair
- Has become comfortable (FINALLY) being away from mom!
- Sport of choice: Soccer,  close second: Gymnastics
- Loves clothes, shoes and lookin' good!
- If he doesn't like your outfit or think it looks "right" he will tell you and help you change. If he thinks you look good he tells you "that suits you"!
- Benton has a hair stylist that he routinely loves to go see. He always makes sure to look his best "Mom, do you think she'll like my outfit today?"
- Has started wanting to have "adult" conversations. "Tell me about your day", "what did you have for lunch?", "what are your plans for this week?"
- Surprises us daily with what he knows academically. Example: While out birthday party shopping he picked out some squishy toys that he wanted to add to his loot bags (yes he uses the word loot instead of gift bag lol). I said "no problem, but there are only four in that package we are going to need more." Without skipping a beat he grabbed another bag and said "okay, this makes 8 and (while grabbing another one) this makes 12. That's all we need." I guess he has counting by fours down no problem!
- Pushes Kynzley's buttons all day everyday, but yet she's nice enough to give in to him
- Loves swimming, has the doggy paddle down strong where he can swim at the public pools in the "big kid side" without a flotation device.
- Favorite color is red - RED EVERYTHING
- Ladies man (eats up every time we have a sitter and the gets to be with her alone!)
- He needs to be "pushed" the first time while trying something new and from there he's golden and will more and likely master it within seconds
- Loves to snuggle and give random hugs and kisses throughout the day

This fall Benton will be starting school and he could not be more excited! He's got a personality that occasionally makes you practice your breathing while counting to 10 and other times you cannot stop laughing and smiling! We love you Benton J, welcome to being FOUR!

 June 20, 2018

He requested brownies instead of a cake

Sissy picked out his favorite sport in his favorite color

Cool Dads Make Cool Kids

Happy Father's Day to this cool dad! To explain our weekend as simple as possible we can say SUN, a whole lot of SUN and water! We spent Friday on the boat, Saturday on the boat and Sunday in the  pool. Our family welcomed the gloomy, rainy Monday with open arms!

Father's Day 2018

Monday, June 11, 2018

It's Summer Time

Schools out and we are ready for summer! Both kiddos wrapped up their school year last Thursday; Kynzley said goodbye to second grade and Benton gave a 'peace out' to Alphabet Soup! They both love school, but we all look forward to a little break and time together!!

Kynzley had a great year! She started off the year a little nervous - new teacher, new classmates, but adjusted great and enjoyed second grade. Kynzley also had a first this year, NO SICK DAYS!!!! WHAT?! She had perfect attendance.....except for the .5 absence she acquired when her and dad headed up north and she left school a tad bit early. Last year she had mono and had to miss a lot of school and the year before that she had her tonsils and adenoids out and recovery was longer than we expected. She deserved a break and she got it!!
This year she continued strong with her math and reading and was given the 'Future Teacher' award at the end of the year. She made lots of new friends this year as well as got a lot closer to some of her old classmates! Bring on third grade!!

On Thursday, Benton also had his last day of "school". Back in November, he started a program called Alphabet Soup through one of our YMCA's. The program mimicked a preschool setting (structure, snack, craft, gym time and stories) and each week focused on a letter of the alphabet. When he started back in November, he started slow. There were tears and of course no talking to anyone. I had to sit in the hallway and watch the whole time. After the second class Benton was starting to get more comfortable and let me know that I didn't need to watch anymore. He made amazing strides!! We cannot thank his teacher's enough for all they did for him (and his classmates)!! Since Thursday we have heard "I miss my alphabet soup class" about 1 million times! He made some good friends and has even requested some play dates. If you ask him what his favorite part of school was he answers "the projects". Another arts and crafts lover!
It's been so fun watching him grow this year academically, emotionally and socially! Next year he will be off to 4K (after a change in plans!) and he is so excited!

You can usually find Kynzley playing with all the boys

Together since 4K! Will they be together another year?!

After school was let out we headed to the sweet shop for ice cream!

We wanted to start summer with a bang! After the sweet shop we packed up and headed to the pool!

Ended our last day of school with a movie in the park with friends!

Benton chose a lemonade package for his end of the year gift to his teachers! 

Last day tradition!

He has really been into writing lately! 

We also wrapped up our time with the twins last week for the summer. In January, Ari and Alex joined our days again and Benton could not have been more excited! The three of them are thick as thieves! On Wednesdays, my house held soooo many giggles :) 

 Last day shenanigans!

Fun X-tras!
Benton and Daddy walked in the June Dairy Days parade with the fire department again this year
June Dairy Days 2018

While the boys enjoyed the parade us girls enjoyed Wisconsin Dells for Kenna's birthday
Wilderness Resort

Kynzley didn't let her fear of heights stop her from dominating the ropes course

Pool time!


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