Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Spring Family Update

I cannot believe it's been since Easter that the blog has been updated - oofta! We've been staying busy like always, with a moment or two of time to breathe! With summer fastly approaching we're noticing our schedules are filling quickly!

Some fun things we've done, are currently doing and are slowly wrapping up are:

*Kynzley is still going strong with her gymnastics and improving her skills every week. We love her dedication! She's always excited for practice and loves going to open gyms on her days off!

*Benton's "school" is close to being done for the year and we cannot be more happy with how this year has gone for him! He started the year with a few tears and it didn't take him long with run in and begin his day. I always have to yell "Bye Benton!" in hopes that he hears me! (His "school" was a once a week class offered by our YMCA to introduce littles to a similar environment of a classroom)  -- A couple weeks ago he was lucky enough to attend a morning at the school he will be attending next year. He was so excited! I, on the other hand, was actually sick to my stomach and spent a lot of my morning in the bathroom. When Kynzley went to preschool she was ready. I knew she was ready. This time around, I wasn't so sure. My last baby is starting school - super hard to grasp! That morning he was so ready to go and see his teacher and all his new friends! At pick up he had the biggest smile and was so excited to tell me about his day! After a chat with the teacher we came to the conclusion that he is more than ready for school and because of that he is going to be moved up so that he doesn't get bored and the academic side is more his pace. His teacher realized at snack time when he was telling all the other kids the shapes he could make out of a square napkin and how many sides everything has and then adding numbers together that he was going to need more of a challenge! At least I have all summer to let the fact sink in that he is one step closer to kindergarten. Ah!

*Our friends Ari and Alex come once a week and it has been non stop giggles since they've been back! The kids have loved playing together again!!

*We took a fun day trip to the Henry Villa Zoo in Madison on a day Kynzley didnt't have school! It was a fun little get away for the morning and afternoon. While there we also stopped and checked the capital out! Kynzley LOVED this part! She really wants to go back and then go through the museum across the street. She loves to learn!

*Our beautiful Miss Zoie Lynn attending prom again this year and looked amazing! Benton now refers to her as "the pretty girl in the pretty dress" :)

*It seemed like it took spring forever to get here so we try and soak up as much of the beautiful weather as we can! We've taken bike rides to the lake, played at the parks, eaten outside, gotten ice cream and even ran through the sprinkler!

*Kynzley wrapped up her dance season this past weekend. Kynzley participated in a couple different dance classes this year which meant she was in a couple different shows for recital weekend. A couple different shows means a couple different rehearsals! We had a very busy week leading up to the recitals, but wow! did the kids put on great shows! They all work so hard and it's always amazing to see them shine on the stage! Great job Misty's dancers!!! Oh yes! Francis also appeared on stage this year - twice!

Kynzley still has a couple weeks of school, but we are all ready for summer! We have camps scheduled, vacations booked and hopefully spending a lot of time on the water!

He was very excited for show and tell at school

Benton and our good friend and classmate Owen 

preschool trial day!
May 9, 2018
Christ St. Johns West Salem

Ari and Brutus are the best of friends!

Kynzley 8, Zoie 17
Prom 2018

Dress rehearsal number one
Dance: Modern 
Kynzle and Brylee

Steps Of Praise

On stage rehearsal
Dance: Modern

On stage rehearsal
Dance: Jazz 

Rehearsal night
Dance: Daddy Daughter

Recital night one, Kynzley had a great audience 
Kynzley and Great Aunt and Uncle 

Kynzley and Grandma and Grandpa Holicky

 Recital night 2, Kynzley had another great audience
Kynzley and Nana Lori

Kynzley and Auntie Amy

 Mother's Day 2018


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