Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunny Days!

What a great weekend! The weather was beautiful, Fran was home an extra day and we (Francis :-P) got a lot accomplished!!!! Saturday we were outside ALL day - Kynzley was only inside a total of 2.5hrs and thats because she was napping :-) Sunday was busy, busy, busy - we had a birthday party, neighborhood picnic and a bonfire. Today, since the weather was HOT, we played in the water!!! Kynzley had a blast playing in her pool and running through the sprinkler. It was a perfect weekend with friends and family!

 This is what she looked like at the end of the day - def time for a bath!
 Kynzley has learned to let herself outside - good thing for locks!!!!!
 She saw daddy coming and she took off
 All ready for a HOT day!
 "Kynzley what are you doing?" She came out of the bathroom with a pen and word find haha

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Adventure!

We have decided to take a new adventure - cloth diapers. Kynzley only sports them at night, but so far so good! Kynzley is a super pee'r and since she sleeps 12(+) hrs at night she is a super leaker :( We have tried our share of night time diapers but nothing seems to keep her dry. With advice from a friend we decided to try out cloth diapers for at night time and they seem to be doing the trick! She doesn't seem to be bothered by them and even has fun running around at night showing off her fun covers :-) (I do have to admit you get WAY more FUN options with the cloth diaper covers than with regular diapers.) She also looks SUPER CUTE in them!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Happy Birthday & A Muddy Mess!

We had a busy, yet great, weekend! Saturday we traveled to Madison to help celebrate Elliot's first birthday. Kynzley was great in the car ride (only slept 40 min of the 2hr trip) and had a blast at the party. We even had a little success - Elliot didn't cry when he saw Kynzley! They did, however, have their first fight. Kynzley was riding Elliot's toy and he wanted it (uh oh!), they exchanged a few babbles/yells, but in the end Kynzley made him cry :( (She must have some powerful words). Sunday we ran some early morning errands and got our flowers (FINALLY!) We weren't able to pick out all of them do to the storms rolling in, but we did get a good start. After the first storm passed we all went outside and did some yard work, planted flowers and Kynzley played in every puddle and mud pile she could find. In the short time we were outside she sure got DIRTY!
(Click pictures to view clearer)
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daddy's "Big" Helper

Kynzley had a busy day today doing yard work with daddy. She is such a great help :-) Our big project this afternoon was moving a tree in our backyard. By the end of the day we had a VERY DIRTY little girl!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot!

It was (FINALLY) a HOT one today! After dinner we let Kynzley play in the sink while we cleaned up and got ready walk up to watch Kynzley's cousin, Quintin, play soccer. She had a blast making a wet mess :-)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wonderful Weekend!

We had a wonderful weekend! The weather was great and we spent lots of time with family. On Saturday morning we walked over to the park a couple of blocks from our house to watch Zoie play soccer. Her team did great - they won! Zoie is a GREAT soccer player and is so much fun to watch. I think we have a future soccer player on our hands - Kynzley LOVED yelling at the girls and watching the ball, she SO BADLY wanted to run on the field and play. Im sure her and Zoie will be practicing with each other some day :-) After Zoie's game we headed home and got ready for our Mothers Day grill out. It was soooooo nice to be outside all day. Kynzley got to wear shorts!!!! She played with bubbles, her slide, went in her swing a couple of times and even played in the water. She's so much fun to watch :-) We ended the great day with a bonfire. Sunday we were pretty pooped from such a busy day on Saturday so we laid low. Francis and Kynzley let me "sleep in" for mothers day and greeted me at the bottom of the steps with beautiful flowers when I "woke up". Kynzley kept telling me "mmmm" to let me know how good they smelt :-)  I was also surprised with a new sewing machine - I am SUPER excited to start some new projects!!!! We headed to our local bakery for breakfast and the rest of the day we spent together playing and enjoying family time. It was a great (2nd) Mothers Day! I hope all you wonderful mothers had a great day as well!


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