Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunny Days!

What a great weekend! The weather was beautiful, Fran was home an extra day and we (Francis :-P) got a lot accomplished!!!! Saturday we were outside ALL day - Kynzley was only inside a total of 2.5hrs and thats because she was napping :-) Sunday was busy, busy, busy - we had a birthday party, neighborhood picnic and a bonfire. Today, since the weather was HOT, we played in the water!!! Kynzley had a blast playing in her pool and running through the sprinkler. It was a perfect weekend with friends and family!

 This is what she looked like at the end of the day - def time for a bath!
 Kynzley has learned to let herself outside - good thing for locks!!!!!
 She saw daddy coming and she took off
 All ready for a HOT day!
 "Kynzley what are you doing?" She came out of the bathroom with a pen and word find haha


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