Sunday, June 8, 2014

37 (+) weeks!

37 (+) weeks and still doing well! We are actually closer to 38 weeks but not there yet so we can still fit in a picture - right?! My doctors appointments are going great! My blood pressure is still super low, my labs are coming back normal, baby is growing on schedule and my swelling is staying minimal!

I will not lie, I am nervous that a reaction will suddenly take place after birth. The syndrome that I have can come on at any time and show in many different forms. With Kynzley the allergic reaction happened towards the end, but showed before labor. This pregnancy the reaction showed in the very beginning and seemed to taper off. Some people with this same syndrome show a reaction hours to days after delivery and sadly I am learning that there are many who are not fortunate to see their little ones and pass away. I can do this and my body WILL cooperate! 

* Craving ice cubes
* Nothing has made me sick through the whole pregnancy
* Francis is impressed with how much potato salad I can eat lately 
* Finally struggling to sleep 
* Baby hangs out on the right side of my body 
* Bags are packed! 
* Francis is the only person in the whole world that believes we are going to have a girl
* We still haven't finalized a boy name
* Kynzley also has a baby in her tummy :-) She even adjusts her tummy like mommy to make the baby move for us. 
* Kynzley was playing fire fighter the other night and politely said "mom your the size of a house and you are on fire" Umm, thank you?! Side note: she told Francis he was a tree (wayyyyyy better!)
* I am very thankful for the kind thoughts, words and prayers that many have sent my/our way! 


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