Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas wrap up!

We've wrapped up our Christmas(s). Christmas #1 was great, Christmas #2 was great and Christmas 3 and 4 were just as great!! We spent Christmas Eve just the four of us (Cody is always included Ü). We got all pretty and went to church, had a great meal, and watched Kynzley open a couple of gifts before Santa brought more for the morning. On Christmas Day Kynzley woke up to open more gifts and we after we packed up and headed to Wisconsin Dells to spend some time splashing at the water parks! We had a great time! It was a great way to wrap up Christmas and start Francis' vacation!!!!! *Of course MY camera would die when we got to the water park :-(

 Opening a couple of her smaller gifts Christmas Eve night

 "Santa" putting together Kynzley's new bike

 Christmas Morning!

 Santa hid her bike until all her other presents were open. She was SOOOO excited!

 The hotel we stayed at had three indoor water parks. This was the first one we went to - she had a blast. I had very little battery on my camera and it was REALLY difficult to take pictures with all the water shooting everywhere!

 The hotel also had a HUGE arcade with a indoor jungle gym that we played at after dinner!

 After the water park and playing at the jungle gym a relaxing bubble bath was in order :)

 After bath time it was time for popcorn, cuddles and Shrek!

 Day #2 - water park #2 (my camera died here, the third water park was by far Kynzley's favorite!)

One of the kiddie slides. *On our first day we chose a big slide to go down, thinking Kynzley could sit on our laps - NOPE! I went first and while waiting for Francis and Kynzley at the bottom all I saw was Kynzley coming through the end of the tube, scared me to death but she had a blast and had a huge smile on her face. I guess they don't have age or height restrictions on the slides. 
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The other night I handed Kynzley a lego and said "one" and she answered back "two, fee, our, ive!" Francis and I looked at each other and wanted to die (in a good way!!!!)!!!!!! We were stunned. We are so proud of her! *Of course when we tried to record her, she wasn't having it and kept telling us "NNNOOOO!!!" Tonight I was able to grab the camera, but she had already started so we only caught from two on :-)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas #2

Christmas number two ... CHECK! We had our Twite family Christmas this past Saturday and it was a great time. We had everyone over for a pasta dinner and to watch the kiddies open their gifts. *I've been wishing for snow for Christmas and it was great to wake up Saturday morning with a pretty covering on the ground! (sadly, its gone now) Kynzley got all bundled up and played in it for a bit!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas #1

We have started our Christmas season. This past weekend we traveled up north to celebrate. We visited Santa, he stopped in town for a bit, and helped grandma and grandpa, Tom and Amanda and Matt and Jess cut down their Christmas trees. After everyone found their trees we took a sleigh ride! Of course that was Kynzleys favorite part, she kept yelling "Neigh, Neigh!!!!!" Of course there was gift opening and lots of giggles!

The girls and their daddies waiting to meet Santa

 This is how well it went :-/

Owen and Eva helping grandpa drag out the tree

Grandpa, Kynzley and Owen warming up by the fire

Kynzley was SUPER excited that grandpa and grandma got her her very own neigh, neigh!

Stylin' on the way home!
Sunday, December 4, 2011


The lights are here!!! Friday night we headed down to see the Rotary lights (which seem to get prettier and prettier every year Ü). It's a tradition that Francis and I have done every year we have been together and last year we were able to include Kynzley. We walked through with her all bundled up in her baby carrier and this year she was once again all bundled up but able to walk through all by herself. She loved the lights and took her time walking through looking at all of them.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

That time of year

We've hit that time of year: time change, darkness earlier, cold days and night and lots of time spent indoors. The last part is by far our biggest challenge. We've been trying to find lots of activities to make our time inside more enjoyable - hopefully we continue on this trend :-)

Kynzley and I have caught up on our baking,

have done LOTS of art projects,

Kynzley has even learned how to drive!

We've spent time with cousins,

and have tried to get in last minute outside time.

On days that we have nothing going on I've been letting Kynzley pick out what she would like to wear for the day. She does VERY well, I have to say :-)

This was her first full outfit she picked out!

*She also chose to wear the green and pink jammies in pic above*


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