Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick -or- Treat!

Happy Halloween!!!!! Kynzley was an adorable lamb this year :-) she pulled it off great! The costume was homemade, and 100% worth all the work. Kept her warm and of course got her lots of compliments!

 On Saturday we went to the "Enchanted Forest" - a kids safe trick-or-treat
She loved it! She knew exactly what to do :-)

 Kynzley and her cousin Zoie and Zoie's friend Hannah

 Trick or Treat Taylor!!

 We stopped by to give Diane a smile :-)

Kynzley helped herself right into Peggy's house and candy dish 
Monday, October 10, 2011

So Excited!!!

My camera charger came in the mail today!!! Of course I HAD to take pictures once my battery was all charged up!! This is what I captured tonight :-)

 After she put dirt in her hair she tried getting mommy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October Fun

We were so busy this weekend we kept having to wake Kynzley either in the morning or from her naps :-( Friday we had doctors apt and homecoming, Saturday plans for a corn maze and Sunday family bday dinner for Zoies 11th birthday. With lack of sleep Kynzley pulled through :-)

On Saturday afternoon we spent the beautiful/warm day at a corn maze. Kynzley had fun with her friend Olive trying to find our way out of the maze (Transformer themed), going on the wagon ride and running around! I think the highlight of the day for the girls was seeing the cows - they let us know what a cows says for quite a while: "MMMOOOOOOOOO!"

(I was just informed my camera charger should be in the mail tomorrow!!!!!!!!)

On Sunday we headed to Pizza Doctors for a family dinner to help Zoie celebrate her 11th birthday. Kynzley enjoyed trying all the creative pizzas (ex: big mac, mac n' cheese, pb&j). Her favorite, of course, was peanut butter and m&m's! She also loved being able to play with Zoie and see her cousins Joe, Chantel and Quintin. She got to tell Joe good luck before his big surgery on Tuesday in Madison!! After dinner Kynzley "needed" to play outside in the sandbox naked. She is going to be devastated when the snow falls and she can no longer do this :-( 

Friday, October 7, 2011

18mth Check & Homecoming

Today was homecoming in West Salem! Kynzley enjoyed the parade for the first time. She got to sit with her cousin Zoie and her fifth grade class.

We were going to try and make it to the football game, but Kynzley had her 18month check today and got shots :-( Shew was pretty tired and pooped out from a busy day and crashed early. On another note, her check went GREAT! She is such a big girl and did an amazing job! She is 25lbs and 34inches tall - still average :-) Now she is in the "big kid group" and doesn't go back until 24months.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WARM October Evenings

1. I cannot believe that it's October already and 2. I cannot believe how WARM it has been! We have been making sure to enjoy this awesome weather to its fullest since we probably wont have it too much longer. Kynzley is defiantly an outside girl, which means we are going to have a LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG winter.  I'm thinking a Children's Museum membership is going to be a must.

*I'm sad to report that I haven't been able to use my Nikon. The battery is dead and the charger is currently 6hrs away. Hopefully the charger will be returning to us soon and my pictures will be better quality!!*

(Click images to view clearer)
 Trying to catch bubbles! Running around naked in October!

Tonight Kynzley "helped" with yard work and we started to set up our fall decorations. (We still need our pumpkins Ü) We also walked across the street and played with the neighbors in their leaf piles! The girls had TONS of fun, we heard LOTS of giggles :-)

 Elise and Kynzley


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