We said goodbye to October and hello to November with some fun activities! We wrapped up October with Halloween festivities. Kynzley really wanted to stay home this year and "throw candy at the kids" :) We were able to convince her to go trick-or-treating at a couple houses with our neighbors to get the whole days experience!
We stared November great! It was our neighbor, Aubrey's, third birthday party! It was a great time watching the kids play games, ride rides, dance and sing!
She's a pro!
Happy Birthday Aubrey!
Kynzley, Aubrey and Elise
*Side note!*
Francis shaved his beard.....and goatee for a beard growing contest at work (he had to be completely clean shaven on Nov. 1). Well, Kynzley has NEVER (I REPEAT N.E.V.E.R) seen Francis without facial hair. Ha! You can imagine how well this went, lol! While her and I were snuggled in bed Friday morning, Francis came in to say goodbye before work. He went in for a hug and a kiss and was welcomed by puzzledness :-/ She said "you look silly! You look different" When he left she looked at me and said "daddy looks different, he looks like Uncle Tom!" Throughout the day she kept reminding me how different and silly daddy looked before work and when he came home after work I think she was expecting his hair back. He walked in the door and we had one scared 3 year old :( All day we talked about taking daddy out to eat, when he walked in the door we couldn't get her to come out of the basement, she hid and would not look at her Francis! Finally we got her convinced that it was still daddy and we headed to eat. On our way tot he restaurant Francis was telling a story and Kynzley in the backseat whispered "mommy! His voice is still the same!" Lol! Yes, Kynzley it is still daddy! On Saturday she told Francis "don't worry! It will grow back and you will be daddy again." I guess someone is a fan of facial hair!!! Luckily, Francis is a beast and can grow a full beard overnight, she will have her daddy back in no time!