Monday, January 27, 2014

Quick Update

It seems like it has been forever! The charger for our computer decided to retire which in turn meant we could not turn on our laptop making blog entries non existent. Finally the new charger has arrived and we are back up and running!! We've been up to a lot since Christmas! There has been weddings, birthday parties, swimming lessons and with this horrible weather lots of time spent in the house.

Eva and Kynzley all ready for an evening of dancing at a wedding

The three amigas! Preschool buddies all ready for Macy's princess tea party

The girls made homemade purses, such a cute idea!

Another birthday party and Chuck-E-Cheese. This is one of Kynzley's favorite games! Gives her great practice - her form is gettin' good!

Swim Lessons

Celebrating with Hans Mayer a great accomplishment of reading 1000 books before Kindergarten! 

I love this picture! Francis got chosen to help with one of the songs and when it was over Kynzley gave him a huge hug and said "thanks daddy!"

With her certificate! 
(She actually accomplished this goal two years ago, but it's still fun to be recognized!)
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas/2013 wrap up

  Wow! Today definitely feels like a Monday. We had a wedding on New Years Eve and Francis went back to work this morning for the first time since the week before Christmas, making it feel like we just wrapped up the weekend. Crazy!
  We finished 2013 great! Our Christmas was nice and cozy this year! Kynzley has been anticipating Christmas since ...hmmm... I would probably say about July! Every time we would walk through a store we had to check out the toy isle and her famous line was "I'm going to ask Santa for that and that and that and that!" This year she got to visit Santa TWICE! Once in La Crosse and once up north. She was pretty excited since she was able to add to her list the second time ;) She specifically asked Santa for Princess Twilight Sparkles (My Little Pony) and Frozen jammies with snow on them with matching Elsa and Ana Dolls. Okay then! Santa must have thought she was a pretty good girl this year because both wishes were granted on Christmas morning! This year we also added Elfy, ,our elf on the shelf. Oh boy! Was he ever a great help when someone turned their listening ears off!!!! He hid all around the house sometimes causing mischief. Kynzley had a blast finding him!!!
    2013 was great and we cannot wait for 2014! So many fun things to come this year..... I can feel it! Happy New year!!!!!!!

Writing her letter to Santa. Cookies and Milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer :)

So excited to see what Santa ate!

All ready to see what Santa left them! 

It didn't take him long to disappear with one of his gifts

This year was so much fun picking out gifts! We each took Kynzley and decided to let her 100% on her own pick out what she wanted to get each of us. When I asked her what she wanted to get daddy her reply was "new sunglasses and a game"! She picked him out a pair AE sunglasses (with some bracelets lol) and a booger game

An Elsa dress!

The gift she picked for me: she thought I needed my very own baby. Too sweet! She also picked out some purple and pink nail polish! 

Ana Doll!

In heaven! 

Someone else was pretty happy with his gifts as well!

Sporting their new shades! Merry Christmas!!!


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