Monday, March 17, 2014

Yoo Hoo! Someone turned 4!

Miss Kynzley is FOUR years old!!!! Wow!!! Where has the time gone?! She is becoming such a big girl and such a little lady! We've been blessed with a great daughter, that's for sure!

This year for her birthday she requested a Minnie Mouse party. Not just a Minnie Mouse party, but a Minnie Mouse RED party. Of course she would choose that - no Minnie Mouse red decorations exist and she would not allow any Minnie pink items to be present at her party. Okay then! I guess it was time for this mamma to get creative and start some DIY projects! I had fun making ~E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G~ for this party, but I prefer never to draw a circle again or see the colors red, yellow or black for the rest of my life!

On Saturday, Kynzley had her friends over to help her celebrate being another year older. The girls had so much fun playing together! Since the theme was Minnie what better way to get in the spirit than by decorated their own bowed headbands! It felt like a little Minnie boutique! They also played pinned the bow on Minnie Mouse, opened presents and ate Minnie themed food (hot diggity dogs, Minnie bow tie pasta, plutos' pretzels, Clarabelle's cheese puffs and fruit and veggies from Daisy's fresh garden)!!!

Kynzley and her cousin McKenna all ready for the party! Kynzley's outfit was made to her perfection! I even had to make yellow shoes for her!

DIY plates, cups, headbands and the silverware even matched

DIY Pin the bows on Minnie Mouse

The girls and their homemade headbands! They all turned out so pretty!

Kynzley putting her bow on Minnie Mouse

The results :)

"Happy Birthday to you!"

Our birthday girl!!

On Sunday, for Kynzley's actual birthday we spent it how we usually do - loving her up and making her feel extra special :) Her cousin McKenna slept over Saturday night so it was fun to have her there to help us celebrate in the morning! Francis and I fully enjoyed listening to their conversations and giggles. At one point they were talking about being like sisters: "we are like sisters", "ya! great sisters!" Sunday evening Kynzley chose to go to Grizzly's for her birthday dinner. She had specific outfit she HHHAAADDD to wear (a dress with a cat on it and a pair of Minnie mouse shoes) and of course ordered her usual mac 'n cheese and fruit. After her dinner she was surprised with chocolate cake! Pretty sure she'd say she ended her birthday on a good note :) 

Good morning sun shines ;)

Noticing the gifts

She was very excited to get a scooter! Since the weather still feels like being a pain she has been riding it all around the house!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Belly Fun

Kynzley and I had some belly fun last night!! We opened up some paint and Kynzley went to town drawing a beautiful masterpiece on her brother or sister. She had a blast! She is pretty infatuated with my growing belly :) her favorite part definitely being the belly button that pokes out! Lol! She painted a flower, some polka dots, a smiley face and even a "picture frame" that outlined my belly! When it was time to wash the belly off she was concerned that the baby would be sad because the painting was making the baby happy. Awe! I let her know that we took plenty of pictures for the baby so they could look at the painting she did for them whenever they wanted! 

Pregnancy update:
- 24 weeks (and a couple days)!
- Baby is very active
- Seems to be a night owl, hope that's no indication as to whats to come!
- Allergic reaction still comes and goes (hives, swelling and occasionally difficulty breathing) 
- We had a doc appointment a couple weeks ago and our doctor (head of fertility and high risk) stated "Yes! You are definitely allergic to this pregnancy." Thanks! Try telling us something we don't know!
- No nausea 
- No specific cravings 
- Still hoping to make it to June before delivery - fingers crossed! We can do this! 
- My guess on gender is boy. So far everyone I know having a baby in the month of June (besides one) is have a boy - might as well jump on the wagon ;) 
- Kynzley of course wants a sister 
- Francis had one gender dream when I was pregnant with Kynzley and in the dream he said "she", he's had one gender dream so far this pregnancy and in this dream I said "her"
- Favorite 'maternity' clothes - Francis's :) They fit so nice right now! 

*BEWARE! Lots of baby bump! You have been warned!*

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Wonderful World of...Disney On Ice

This weekend we took a VERY spur of the moment trip to the cities to surprise Kynzley with Disney On Ice: Let's Celebrate! We randomly packed up Friday night and drove through a snow storm all so she could 'just swim at a hotel' (that is what she thought!). We attended Saturday mornings show, it was great and worth the little to no time of planning! Kynzley had a blast and was in love as soon as it started! We were sad to that we had to miss our friend Miss Caroline's second birthday, but by the pictures we've seen she had an amazing day celebrating with friends, family and Princess Sophia!

 All ready in her Elsa dress 

Nightmare Before Christmas, also included Cruella Deville, Captain Hook and an evil witch 

"How do you know he loves you?" All the Prince and Princesses

Fully enjoying her cotton candy, at least it matched her dress ;)

Princess And The Frog, mardi gras 

Toy Story!

Finale! It was a great show full of amazing Disney characters! 


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