Monday, January 26, 2015

Toes in the water

We just got back from having our toes in the water and our behinds in the sand .... all day everyday for a week! Last week we took a last minute trip to Florida! It was so nice and relaxing - ugh! Take me back!!!! The temps were perfect, location was amazing and our days of making memories were definitely treasured!

A couple weeks ago friends of ours from Fargo contacted us asking if we'd be interested in taking a spur of the moment trip to Florida with them and their kiddos. Uhm, of course!!! You don't have to ask me twice if I want to leave the snow and cold and travel to nice, warm, sandy beaches. Flights, check; condo, check; summer clothes, check - time to go!!!!!!

We purposely booked our flights around when Benton would be ready for his naps, hoping that he would sleep. This situation worked out better than we predicted. On both our flights to and from FL before boarding we asked if there were any open seats next to each other and if so could we use them and carry on Benton's car seat. Both times we were able to get a whole row :) (advice: most (not all) flights have open seats, ask before boarding if you there are open seats so you can carry on your car seat and your small child will have a seat to themselves at no charge!) Benton fell asleep before take off both flights and slept pretty much the whole way! Kynzley enjoyed coloring and watching movies on the flight. On the way home she was so tired and  with windy conditions became motion sick and ended up getting sick :( But, overall I could not have asked for better behaved children on the flight!!!!

In Florida we stayed in a condo right on the beach with a beautiful view of the ocean. We had no plans for the days except to enjoy the weather. It was so nice to wake up, take our time, hang out at the beach, walk back up to the condo if we needed something, swim in the pool and forget about our daily worries for the time being (unfortunately, our family was given some devastating news while we were away. More info to come). Kynzley fully enjoyed being at the ocean for the first time. She played in the water with no care in the world. So free! We also enjoyed playing in the sand. We made Kynzley into a mermaid and a sea shell and her and I also made a sea turtle one day. Over the week we collected a lot of pretty shells to bring home, including an empty clam shell.

We had such a great time with great company!!!

 At the airport bright and early!

 First plane ride!

 First time at the ocean!

 First time in the ocean!

Kynzley (4.5) & Benton (7mo) 2015
Indian Rocks Beach, FL

 Some fun in the sun...and sand :)

 We found this clam washed on shore one morning after a very high tide. It was alive! We were able to watch it open it's mouth (and see all the muscles inside!) and.........
 watch it snap close! So cool for Kynzley to see!

She was a mermaid :)

Heading to the water

 Sea Shell

 Being free <3

 Francis bought Ellie some sunglasses, she LLLOOOVVVEEEDDDD them!

 Miss Ellie enjoying the water!

 This was the view from our condo - beautiful!!!

 Loved the sand

Another night watching the sunset

Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas Is Over

The Christmas season is (finally!) over! We wrapped up our last Christmas this past weekend up north. It was fun spending time with family and once again opening gifts! Kynzley ALWAYS has fun playing with her cousins and I think Benton enjoyed watching all the chaos :)

This was Benton's first trip up north and first extended car ride. We prepared ourselves for the worst! Kynzley has always been a great traveler - from day one! Even though she doesn't sleep much in the car she's always been able to entertain herself. We definitely thought since she was such a great travel buddy that we would be jinxed and Benton would make the trip seem even longer than it already is. Well, we were WRONG!!! I feel beyond BLESSED at how awesome he traveled!!!! I don't think it's even believable when I explain how well it went.
Our plan was to leave Thursday night after dinner at around the time Benton goes to bed, that way (fingers crossed!) he would be on his normal schedule and just sleep the whole trip. But, of course a blizzard would come through Thursday and traveling conditions were hazardous. We decided to postpone and leave in the morning at Benton's morning nap time and hopefully get half way through the trip before he would wake. Well, Benton had a different agenda for the the day. He decided he only wanted to take a 30 minute snooze the whole trip. BBBUUUTTTT, the rest of the time while he was awake you never really knew he was in car except for a couple of silly noises and giggles coming from his car seat. He played with some toys, snuggled with his burp cloth and watched himself in his mirror. It was amazing! And, of course Kynzley traveled like a champ like she always does!!! We made the trip with no stops! The trip home was just as amazing because both children were pooped from the busy weekend - Benton slept the first half and was just as good the second and Kynzley was so tired she actually asked not to watch her movies and just relax :) 

Next adventure: conquering an airplane! Fingers crossed that it goes just as wonderful! 

Benton and Uncle Tom (Benton and his over excited smile!)

The four oldest playing legos 

Benton (6mo) and Harmon (14mo)


The Bison had a big game Saturday! 

Little Miss Becca Boo

Grandpa and Benton wrestling 

Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandchildren
(Benton is the only grandchild with brown eyes, the rest all have blue)

 The cutest and greatest moment happened during gift opening! Halle wrapped a homemade gift for Nora and was sooo excited for her to open it. "Nora, that's from me! That's from me!" and when Nora opened it she shouted "I LOVE IT! It's what I've always wanted!" and they ran and gave each other the biggest hug. It made everyone's heart just melt. It was so sweet!!
Nora with her gift from Halle

Haha! Another funny! When wrapping one of Nora's gifts I could only find a beer box that was the right size. This was her expression when she opened it and couldn't figure out what to do with it - lol! Eventually she peeked inside and was thrilled with what she got!

This was what she found in the beer box :) "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world!" You are welcome Tom and Amanda! ;)

Twinsies! Kynzley and Eva
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Better Late than Never

Time is flying by, so much that the blog is getting away from me. Sad :( Time is going so fast that Benton is already 6 months old - yup - 6 months! Holy Cow!! He'll be a year before we know it. He actually turned 6 months a couple weeks ago, but with Christmas his 6 month appointment got pushed back so our stats are more towards '6 months and a couple weeks old' ;-)

Oh Benton, what to say about Benton! He's one of a kind that's for sure! He's been a great addition to our family and definitely keeping us on our toes. He totally knows he's cute and uses (tries) it to his advantage. 'Oh?! I'm not suppose to get mad and throw that and then look at you with a smile so you don't scold me some more?!' We are in for a ride, that's for sure!

6 month stats: 17lbs (only 50 percentile) -- this shocked us!
                       30 inches (upper 90th percentile)
Benton eats and eats and eats and eats and eats and never stops eating!!! He eats anything and everything! So when we saw his weight we were amazed! I guess most of his growth is going to length. That would explain why he is 6 months and wearing 18 - 24 month clothes. We are noticing that he (so far) is growing like his sister - LLLLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGGG torso and shorter legs. I think his legs are a little longer than Kynzley's were but not by much. It makes for buying 'sets' impossible. This past weekend for the Badger game Benton sported his brand new tags just removed 2T Badger shirt - yup 2T!

Fun Benton Facts:
*Gets up on all fours and rocks
*He spins and rolls to get to what he wants
*LOVES to scream
*Adores his big sister
*Great Sleeper
*Loves to stand and jump
*Still a mommy's boy - dad can finally hold him :)
* No teeth yet (you wouldn't know that by all the things he eats!)
* Like his sister, not a fan of loud noises
*Also like his sister he snuggles with burp clothes (also knows as 'nigh nights' in our house)
*Sleeps on his back in the same spot all night
*We can tell already that he is going to be a tantrum thrower (sad face!)
*Sings! Benton sings! Our doctor suggested we youtube it. If you start a song Benton joins in and in the softest, cutest voice sings! Melts your heart!
*Water baby - loves the bath, especially now since he sits and splashes like a big boy
*raises arms to be picked up
*attempting to learn sign language because mommy hates being yelled at meal time if she's not fast enough
*Super messy
*Some of Benton's favorite toys include: a pink truck that belongs to Kynzley, a dump truck, Sophie, Mickey Mouse maraca and anything that can fit in his mouth
*Everything goes into his mouth
*He makes us smile every day!!!!


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