Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kynzley Update:

It's been a bit since our last update and Kynzley is learning so many new things! She is (quickly) approaching the ONE YEAR mark!!! She is becoming such a big girl. Her vocabulary is starting to expand and she sounds soo cute when she talks! She continues to use "diddy" and "da da" but has finally added "ma ma!" My favorite is when she uses "mo, ma ma!" (more, ma ma) and sounds so polite :-) We are working on Cody but as of right now its more of a "t, t, t!" when she sees him. She also uses "ya!" Standing by herself is getting better and every once and awhile she will take a step or two, but not quite interested in walking yet (unless you are holding her hand then she loves to RUN!). Kynzley is a VERY rough and tough little girl, instead of princess stuff she would rather wrestle and climb on things. One of her favorite games is to push and/or fall backwards onto the ground. Sometimes its off a toy, but mainly it's off the steps. NOT COOL! We thought she would learn after pushing herself off a couple steps onto the hardwood floor, but instead she laughed (really hard) and tried again. Baby gates have become our new best friends! Everything is head first, too. Down the steps, off the couch, off your lap, out of your arms. I see lots of bruises in our future. She has a great arm as well and loves to play ball with dad. Besides being rough and tough she is also very strong. Her new trick is walking on her hands. If you hold her legs in the air she will walk across the room on her hands, oh the things she can do :-).  Another game she likes to play is "peek" with her burpy's (aka burp clothes). She holds them up over her face and when you ask "where did Kynzley go" she throws it down. She is so much fun! Kynzley also has more teeth! Right now she has 4 1/2 (one has just poked through). We are working on ABC's right now :-) She babbles with the beat! She knows what a cow says: "mmmmmm" and a fishy (moves her mouth open and close) and she also growls at EVERYTHING. She is a great mimicker! She is also, by far, the greatest kisser!! She gives great kisses when you ask for them and even when you don't. The last 10 1/2 months have gone by so fast and I'm sure the next 18 years are going to be the same. She's a stinker and tons of fun! We cannot wait until the summer when we can go to the park and play outside!!!

Helping daddy give Cody a bath

Reading one of her favorite books

Causing trouble

Rolling around in her ball pit
Playing with papa's old glasses



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