Sunday, July 17, 2011

Heat Wave

Holy hotness! The heat has come! This weekend was a warm one, but we made the most of it! Friday night our friends Katie and Olive came over to play with Kynzley and I. The girls had a blast! They sure were making Katie and me laugh, they are too cute! :-)

Saturday we headed to the county fair. Last year Kynzley slept through the fair so we were excited to see her expression with all the animals this year. She saw goats, horses, sheep, pigs and cows. She also had her first experience with mini donuts :)

Sunday the real heat hit! WOW! It was CRAZY warm. We didn't want to just sit inside so of course we went SWIMMING! (Kynzley has been swimming every day this week but one Ü) We tried a different aquatic center than the one we normally go to ( there are lots to choose from close to home!) and we had a great time! Kynzley loves slides and when we arrived we noticed there was a height restriction for the big slides, but they did have a smaller slide for her to go down all by herself. Of course its what we did most of the time :-)  When she wasn't going down the slides we hung out in the water and "tossed" Kynzley back and forth - she LOVES to splash and is not afraid of going under water!

After the pool and a nap we continued water play at home. We all ran through the sprinkler and played in the (little) pool. Kynzley sure is her happiest when she can be outside and especially when she is in the water! It's so much fun!

At the end of the day we grilled out and cooled off with a trip to DQ! Daddy also got lots of love at the end of the night!!


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