Monday, March 13, 2017

Birthday Week

Kynzley is about to turn another year older! It's so crazy to think that she is going to be 7! 7 years old!!! How is it possible? This week brings back so many memories of the week leading up to and the day of Kynzley's birth (we'll save that for another time!), it's nuts that it's already been 7 years.

Kynzley is a lucky girl and gets to share her birthday (week) with a couple great friends in class! There are three of them right in a row. Us parents have talked and we all realized we were in the same hospital all at the same time with our new arrivals! How fun!

One of the classmates that she shares a birthday with is one of her great friends, Lily. They decided this year they wanted to have a joint birthday and invite all the girls in their class. These two had big plans for their big day; from the theme, to the games, to what they wanted to wear and what kind of cake they wanted to have. They decided on a zoo theme and the ideas just kept going from there!

It was a fun day with lots of giggles!!

The birthday girls! Lily and Kynzley March 2017

Pin the nose on the lion and feed the penguin 

Photo station all set up for the girls to have some fun!

The girls couldn't agree on the flavor of cake so we decided to do three different flavors!

While they waited for all their friends to show up they played zoo theme pictionary. 

The girls took this game very serious, the winner got to take home a stuffed baby sloth

Decorating their zoo animal masks

Lily and Giana having some photo fun

Kynzley, Giana and Lily

The Zoo Crew
Mrs. Antony's first grade class 
March 2017


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