Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back To School

School has started and with that so has a more scheduled daily routine! Kynzley is a big second grader this year! Second grade?! Really?! Why do these years seem to be going so fast?
This year, the first day of school was a complete new slate for us. Kynzley has a new teacher and new classmates. There were a lot of nerves going into Tuesday morning. After school Kynzley was all smiles and could not wait to go back! We are all excited to see what the year brings!! 

With the start of school also means the start of a whole new daily schedule. Our monthly calendar is completely full - day! Not only is Kynzley keeping us booked, Benton has started to add his own activities to the agenda. This fall we have dance, gymnastics (X's two!), soccer, story time, sleepovers, trips and every once and awhile a few moments of just family time!

 Second Grade
West Salem Elementary School
Mrs. Flottmeier

Kynzley and Aidric
 For months Benton has been begging to do gymnastics. The day finally came!
Kynzley and Brylee dancing together again!

First day of soccer! He pretty much dominated the field :)
Last week we helped (okay, Francis helped) set up the hot air balloon. It was a beautiful night and the kids got to enjoy their first ride! It was so fun to watch them go up! As kids, my sister and I got to enjoy the balloon from the air and the ground - it's fun to watch Kynzley and Benton get to enjoy it now too! It is also the balloon that Francis and I were engaged in!
 Kynzley got to let go of the balloon - there was almost no wind this night

The house behind the field where the balloon was put up had chickens, Kynzley was in love!
*Bonus pictures*

 "Kynzley, we are going to take Brutus for a hike. Can you please get ready?" This was the result!
 The whole afternoon these two hung out in the garage - just like this!
 Daddy's lap is big enough for everyone
 The snores coming from the floor were SO LOUD!


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