Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lazy days

We had a LAZY weekend! We woke up Saturday to snow :( and cold, which equaled JAMMY DAY! We hung out all day in the basement and played. Kynzley has discovered a new passion --- talking on the phone :-) She walks around with her play phone saying "hewwo!" and "buh, buh (buh bye)" and there is also a whole lot of babble. She's so funny! We were able to get lots of cuddle time in too! This weekend she showed us that she knows where her belly is! It's so much fun watching her grow and learn new things :-)
 Morning piggy-back ride

 Babbling away

 Making lunch :-)

 Daddy got lots of cuddles this weekend

 Kynzley found McKenna's sunglasses while we were visiting Nana's and Papa's. She thought she was the COOLEST little thing ever. She walked all around the house making sure everyone saw her.

 Pretty sure she put them on herself :)


(This is what she usually looks like at the end of the day - a HUGE mess!)


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