Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yay for spring!!

We had a wonderful day today! It was BEAUTIFUL outside and Kynzley and I enjoyed it to its fullest! After getting a great morning nap in and a quick errand we were set to play in the sun! Kynzley loved exploring. She pushed her fire truck around and every once and awhile she would get on and I would have to push her around :-) The big game today was "ready, set, GO!" and she would take off! By the end of the day she was saying "ready!" She also loved taking me around the yard to explore. She would grab my finger and off we would go. She also ATE plenty of dirt :-) She had so much fun that when we had to come in the house for a quick drink she was NOT happy. She stood by the back door and cried and banged on the door. (we went right back out Ü) We were even able to get a walk in with Francis and Cody before Kynzley passed out for the night :-) Hopefully we have many more beautiful days like today!

 Only the beginning of the messiness!

 Dirt all over the pants :)

 Notice the dirt around her mouth. At the end of the day (I wasn't able to get a good photo) she had dirt smeared around her eyes too

 She checked in on our neighbors :)


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